Shot video

R10 Analytics Shot Trajectory

Shots can have associated video. For the Garmin R10 these can automatically be recorded by the Garmin app (however, see the note below). For other devices you can do this association manual in the shot table componentNote that currently only vertical videos are supported! When you associate a horizontal video only part of it will be updated.

The shot video component can show such a video and makes it possible to annotate them.

At the bottom of the video there is a button to pause or play the video. There is also a position slider. You can use this to move through the video. Below that there is a slider to change the speed of the video. Press the normal button to go back to normal speed.

In the title bar, there is a menu with the following options:

  • Download video. Use this to download the video from the cloud and store it on your computer. Videos are mp4 files that most movie players can play.
  • Save as PNG image. This saves a PNG image of the current video frame. If you draw elements on the video (see below) these are also saved in the image.

The shot video component has no settings.

Annotating the video

To analyse your posture and swing you can draw objects on the video. For example, you can draw a disk on your head to see whether you hold it steady during the swing. Or you can draw vertical lines to see where your ball is located with respect to your shoulders. And you can even measure and show angles.

The different drawing tools are shown at the  left of the video. Here you can also select the color to use. The following tools are available:

  • Disk. Click the mouse at the center and then drag the cursor to determine the radius.
  • Rectangle. Click with the mouse at one corner and then drag the other corner. When you hold <Shift> a square is drawn.
  • Line. A line is drawn from one side of the video to the other. Click to start the line and then move the mouse to rotate the line. Hold <Shift> to only get horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Segment. Draw a line segment. Click on the first point and drag the second. Hold <Shift> to only get horizontal and vertical line segments.
  • Angle. Draws an angle. Click on the point and drag the cursor to change the length. While dragging, use the arrow keys to change the angle. <Left> and <Right> change the angle in small steps and <Up> and <Down> in larger steps.

You can remove individual elements using the right mouse button. There is also a button at the left to reset (clear) the drawing.

Note that the drawing you make is tied to the component (not the video). If you replace the video with another one, the same overlay is shown. However, if you open the video in a different window or close and reopen the program, the overlay is gone.

Adding videos to shots

When using the Garmin R10 with a subscription, video link are stored in the data dump and will be imported (they are not in a session file). 

You can also associate videos manual in the shot table component.

For import from Awesome Golf and GSPro you can manually add a column called Video to the csv file that contains file names (full paths) or urls of associated video. However, make such this field then exists for all shots in the file (make it an empty string if there is no video. Be very careful not to change other fields in the file. When you open the file in Excel, often the other fields are changed. So best make this change in a text editor, like NotePad.

For FlightScope files, the video filename is used when it is in one of the columns Camere Video 1, Camera Video 2 or Radar Video, in that order. However, often these filename do not contain the path information. So you might need to add that.


The Garmin R10 launch monitor can automatically record video. However, these are only associated with the shots when you have a subscription in the Garmin app. Only with a subscription, videos are stored in the cloud and can be accessed outside the app. Also, the video urls are only available if you use a data dump import. Not when you import individual sessions.