Importing from the Garmin R10

To import from the Garmin R10 you need a profile for that device. Each device/simulator that you use must have its own profile!

There are two ways to import shot data from the Garmin R10. In the Garmin app you can export a session from the driving range. Or you can request Garmin to provide you with a dump of all your data.

Importing an R10 session file

This is the most convenient method to get data from the R10 in Golf Shot Analytics, but there are some issues (see below).

In the new version of the Garmin app on your iPhone or Android device, you can export data as follows. Make sure you ended the session on the device. Under More select Golf Sim sessions. Click on one of the session. To the right of the number of shots there is an icon to share or export. Click on it. You can now indicate what to do with the file. The easiest is to send it to a cloud drive that you can access on your PC, like Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or your iCloud Drive. But you can also mail it to yourself.

Note: Never open the file in a spreadsheet or other program. This might change the file and make it unreadable by Golf Shot Analytics.

You can also export multiple sessions, but this is not advised. To this end, again go to the Golf Sim Sessions. Now click on the menu item in the top right and select Edit sessions. Select the sessions you want to export and click on the export/share icon at the bottom left. You can now follow the same procedure. 

This will produce a single .csv file. You can then import that file in Golf Shot Analytics  as follows. In the toolbar click the Import icon. In the dialog, there are two options. Choose the top one: Import R10 data file. Select the csv file you want to import.

When the file contains information for multiple dates, you are asked whether these are separate sessions or a single session. Next, for each session you are asked for the following:

  • Session name. The name you want to give to your session. if you leave this blank, the date is used.
  • Session date. Even though the session date is in the csv file, it can be in different formats and is not always interpreted correctly. If it is wrong, you can correct it here.
  • Driving range: The name of the driving range on which the shots are done. 
  • If you want to fill in more information about the session, select the Show details checkmark. You can now give the session a rating, indicate the ball used, and provide comments for the session.

Note that when there are multiple sessions in the file, the dialog is shown multiple times; once for each session.

Press Continue and the shots are imported. Only new shots are imported. Existing shots are left unchanged. When a shot was deleted before, you are asked whether to re-import it.

Please note: Data about swing speed and tempo is missing. Also, when you record shot videos that are stored in the cloud, this is not included in the export and, hence, cannot be shown. The Garmin csv files are difficult to interpret as they are different for all languages. When you get an error during import, please contact us and send us the csv file such that we can support your language as well.

You are recommended to, from time to time, do a data dump import as well (see below). This will fill in all the missing data.

Requesting a data dump

You can request Garmin to provide you with a dump of all your data. This data is more complete than the data you get when exporting a session in the Garmin app. But it is a more involved process. You are recommended to do this from time to time though.

To get a dump of all your data, proceed as follows:

  • Open Garmin Express on your PC and select your device. Or go directly to your profile on the Garmin website.
  • Choose Tools & Content, select Privacy at the top right, and click on Manage Personal Data at the bottom.
  • This brings you to your profile at the website. (You can also go here directly.) You might need to login with your Garmin account.
  • At the bottom select Manage Your Data.
  • Then click on Export Your Data.
  • Finally click the button REQUEST DATA EXPORT. This will send you an email with a link to download your data. The site states that this can take 48 hours or more, but it normally goes fast.
  • Once you receive the mail, click on the DOWNLOAD link in it. Your browser is opened and a zip file is downloaded.
  • Uncompress this zip file. This creates a folder with a lot of subfolders. The important one is DI_CONNECT. This contains a folder DI_GOLF that contains all the data.

Now open Golf Shot Analytics, in the toolbar click the Import icon and choose Import R10 data dump. You are now asked for the location of the downloaded data. Navigate to the location of the DI_GOLF folder. This location will be remembered for the future. (You can actually also select the unzipped folder itself. The program will find the correct folder inside it.)

That is all. You will get a report of the number of imported shots. Some shots might be invalid because they are missing crucial data (like the distance). Other shots might not be imported because they are already there. When shot were deleted before, you are asked whether you want to import them again.

When a shot in de data dump is already present it is not imported again. But missing data in the shot, like the swing speed and tempo or video link, will be filled in to complete the information.

If you want to start from scratch, go to the file menu and select Clear all shots. Indicate to clear them from all profiles. Next import a data dump with all your shots. This will though also remove all session information you might have provided and all changes you made to shots (like tags you added).

Please note: Although less convenient, the data dump has a number of advantages over session exports. It has extra fields for back swing and down swing time and swing tempo, that are missing from the session export. When you record shot videos that are stored in the cloud, the data dump contains link to these and, hence, Golf Shot Analytics can show them. When using the session export you do not get these videos. The data dump contains information about the driving range, so you do not have to provide that when you import it. And there are no language issues, so the data is always correct.