
When you have certain special shots, you can give them tags. You can then later select the shots that have particular tags using filters.

Adding tags

In a shot table component, for example in the Sessions or Shots list dashboard, you can select one or more shots in the table. Now, in the menu at the top-right of the table, you have three options:

  • Add tags. You can specify a comma-separated list of tags you want to add to the selected shots.
  • Remove tags. You can specify a comma-separated list of tags you want to remove from the selected shots.
  • Clear tags. You clear all tags for the selected shot. You are asked for a confirmation.

Note that you can add a column to the table showing the tags. To this end, choose Select columns from the menu and add the Tags column.

Also note that you can easily define a filter to only show the shots that have tags, by using the formula Tags != ""

Selecting tags

In the selection bar there is a block called Apply filter. If you click  the button you can define a filter to apply. A filter is simply a formula. There are special functions that you can use in the formula, that deal with tags:

  • has_tag("Great") selects all shots that have the tag "Great".
  • has_some_tags("Good", "Great") selects all shots that have the tag "Good" or "Great" (or both).
  • has_all_tags("Good", "Special") selects all shots that have both the tag "Good" and "Special".
  • has_none_tags("Good", "Great") selects all shots that have neither the tag "Good" nor "Great".

For more information, see the help on filters.

Note that tags are case-sensitive, so Great is different from great.