Correlation matrix

R10 Analytics Correlation Charts

The correlation matrix component shows all the correlations between the metrics in the selected shots. Each block contains the correlation between the metric at the left and the metric at the bottom.

A correlation is a number between -1 and 1. When the correlation is close to 1 (green), there is a strong correlation, that means that if one value increases the other does as well. When the correlation is close to -1 (red), there is a strong inverse correlation, that means that if one value increases the other decreases. When the correlation is close to 0 (dark) there is not much relation between the two on average. So the dark correlations are often not very interesting, while the light ones are.

The correlation matrix is used in the Correlations dashboard. If you click on one of the correlation blocks, the other charts in the dashboard are adapted to that, showing details about the chosen correlation.

The matrix has a menu in the right of the title bar. Here you have the following options:

  • Select metrics. There is also an icon for this in the title bar. Here you can select the metrics for which the correlations must be shown.
  • Save as PNG image. Save an image of the matrix in a PNG file.
  • Change settings. Change the settings. See below.
  • Pop-out. Pop-out the matrix as a separate window. (Clicking on a correlation has no effect in this case.)


The correlation matrix component has a number of settings that you can change by clicking the settings icon in the title bar.

  • Name. The name of the component. 
  • Title. The title shown in the title bar. 
  • Select metrics. Select the metrics for which the correlations are shown.
  • Use absolute value. Use the absolute values of the metrics.
  • Use two colors. When checked, green and red are used for the positive and negative correlations. Otherwise only a single color is used.
  • Show full matrix. When checked the full matrix is shown. Otherwise only the bottom-left half is shown (the other half is a mirrored image).
  • Data. Here you can define a filter in the form of a formula. Only shots that satisfy the filter are taken into account in the matrix.

Note that there are buttons to reset the settings to the default (as defined in the dashboard) and to copy the settings from another correlation matrix component.